Looking ahead and taking time to reflect...
January and February are still busy months but in a different way; we review the Christmas period, draw up inventories of all the depleted stock and packaging and begin laying out our baking schedules for the year ahead. Plans are made for special events such as Valentine’s Day, Mothering Sunday, Easter and Father’s Day as well as Christmas and all other events in between.
This year we want to attend more shopping fairs and continue to explore the idea of a pop-up shop. Jessica and I attended three local shopping fairs last year (one in a very draughty castle!) and it was a great opportunity to meet face to face with some of our loyal customers as well as introducing a new audience to our delicious range of cakes and biscuits. Any suggestions for regional markets or fairs near you, we’d love to hear them!
I hope you’re enjoying a positive start to the new year.
Warmest wishes,
Alice x
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