Treats Club Subscription
Ever wanted fun post to look forward to each month? Well our Treats Club Subscription is just that.
A monthly parcel of tasty traybakes or biscuits delivered directly to your door. You can order for yourself, a
friend or even your office. At Christmas you’ll get a hamper containing a traybake selection, some Brownie
Hearts in February and Mini Frangipane Mince Pies to get you in the festive spirit in November! Save over £50
from buying individually.

Treats Club
Subscriptions are sent the first full week of the month with Royal Mail on a first Class service. Postage included.
*Note minimum subscription is 3 months, you can cancel or pause using the online login. Your first parcel will be despatched at the start of the month following sign-up

What you'll receive
January | Bakewell Twin Pack |
February | Set of 8 brownie hearts |
March | Flapjack Twin Pack |
April | Tin Choc Chip Shortbread |
May | Lemon Drizzle Twin Pack |
June | Bitesize Bakewell set of 12 |
July | Brownie Twin Pack |
August | Shortbread Selection in Tin |
September | Flapjack Twin Pack |
October | Hearts & Stars Shortbread in Tin |
November | Frangipane Mince Pies x 12 |
December | Traybake Selection with something 'Extra' for Christmas |
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Recipe : Lemon Polenta Cake
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